Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In the beginning......

So where to begin....I am a small town girl from Texas that relocated to Arkansas because it fit my "tree-hugger" personality a little bit better.  Life has definitely sent me some curve balls but it has made me who I am today and has empowered me to be all that I can be.

I have 2 boys--the oldest a teenager in the throes of cocky insecurity and figuring out who he wants to be, and a 7 year old full of all the quirks and wonder that a combination of autism and all-boy can provide to you.  They daily challenge me, strengthen me, and  empower me--through them I am learning who I am supposed to be.

I was a teacher in the past but left because there are more politics in a school than there are in D.C.  It isn't fun to teach anymore, so I work in a Psychology office for a DDS facility (what a lifeline this job has been!!) I've had access to things I wouldn't have had otherwise and a group of people that care what happens to my family.

My passions in life, besides my kids, include Autism Awareness (getting the important daily facts out there to the public), Search and Rescue (what I'd love to do full-time), combining the two, and learning---no matter what it is--when you quit learning, you quit living.

The first few blogs will probably just be some background info with a few anecdotes from the day. I'll try to throw in some interesting studies in genetics; SAR cases from around the world; outdoor toys for survival; etc.  It's a work in progress as I determine where this needs to go....

Hope you enjoy the daily living.....