Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Where has the time gone? Words and Prayers for Class of 2018

In just a few short hours (5.5 to be exact), my baby, my first born will embark on his Senior year of high school.  I'm not sure how we got here, nor how i turned into one of "those" moms, but here I am knee deep in memories, tears, joys, and fears.


When you were a little boy I celebrated every single milestone...that first smile, your first steps, that first word....celebrated!!  I couldn't wait for you to achieve to each new step---and you were brilliant; far exceeding the expectations they gave for a preemie who entered the world on his terms.  (This is purely an unbiased opinion, I assure you.)  However, this milestone....the realization that you are entering your last year has me choked up....yes, I am still celebrating, but I am also up to my elbows in things I want to tell you, questions I have, memories I want to make.

As I said before, you have always beat to your own drum---done things in your own time, and in your own way.  I love this quality about you!!!  I know sometimes it seemed that some were annoyed that you weren't quick enough, or bold enough.....yet that never held you back!!  You see, my sweet boy, from an early age you have been an analytical sort....sitting back, observing, calculating, until you had derived the right path for YOU.  My earliest memory of this was you at 8 months and you wanted the cat, but were far too short to attain him.  Instead of having a fit, or getting frustrated, you sat down, and the wheels started turning.  You pulled your walker to your location, climbed on it and got your prize---the look of pride on your face was priceless.  Stay true to your path!!!  There will always be people that want you to do things in their time, their fashion---and there will be times that the timeline/methodology are important---but always always do what is BEST for you and those attached to you.

This year is going to be full of classes, expectations, decisions---but its also going to be full of opportunities to grow, make memories, share laughs--DON"T FORGET THOSE!!  Don't worry about the future...just keep putting one foot in front of the other, keeping your eyes on the goals you've set for yourself.  Enjoy the moments!  Laugh!! Laugh and laugh some more!

Don't be afraid to FAIL, and FAIL BIG!!  When you have a passion, belief, goal--go all out.  Don't let the fears hold you back!!  Failure allows you to grow; it gives you building blocks and alternate routes to explore.  It is not the end of the line.  And when you do fail, because we all do, remember WE HAVE YOUR BACK!!  We are always here to support you; offer encouragement; to listen.  ALWAYS.  A lot of times being an adult means staying on the comfortable path; Have adventures; try new things, try scary things.....

Be responsible....take care of yourself.  Take initiative! Go to parties---even the boring ones!

Be love!  Find the lonely kid, the weird kid, or the new kid and make a point to speak to them.  Make them feel special and important. Do it because everyone deserves to be loved and accepted.  What you have, give.  Be a leader!! YOU already have the skills to be a great one!  

Be kind, even in the face of a disagreement.  Hold your temper; your tongue and remember there are things much bigger in life.  Count to ten, smile, make a joke--do whatever you must to find peaceful solutions--the world is full of anger and "might is right" personalities--be the difference!

And before I sign off on this first of many letters, Be kind to your mom.  I know it might be annoying the amount of reminiscing I may do--but please remember this is a proud moment for me as well.  It hardly seems possible that the tiny little man I brought home so many years ago has grown into a young man any mom would be proud of.  I've watched you experience so much growth and confidence in the past year that it seems you've morphed into an adult overnight.  It amazes me everyday and I couldn't be prouder of you.  So bear with me, when I come in your room to chat in the evening---and begrudge me with thoughts of your day, goals you have, fears you have.  Share these moments with me.

Remember with God in your corner, you will not fail.  Words to live by:
Proverbs 2
Jeremiah 29:11
Psalm 16:7-11

I love you!!  Class of 2018