Friday, September 13, 2013


So I am so afraid I will jinx the AMAZING year that Sean is having, BUT I have to tell you about meeting with his regular ed teacher this morning.

Just a little background:  One of Sean's biggest complaints, pre and post meltdown, is that NOBODY LISTENS.  Well, we do listen, but he his expressions of frustrations are not usually perceived as such.  I think this is complicated by the fact that when he is in his mellow state he is one of the most verbal, linguistically advanced kids his age.  His vocabulary is astounding.  HOWEVER, when he is upset or getting close to a breakdown, his statements don't necessarily make sense or clearly express the issue to the "regular" world.  He appears oppositional or noncompliant, as they usually are triggered by a task he perceives will be met with failure and his anxiety skyrockets!!   Often, if I am getting frustrated with him and my voice indicates that (I am only human), his typical response is a very ROBOTIC, "DOES NOT COMPUTE: PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE."  It usually is all it takes for me to take a step back and re-phrase, but I am his mom and I've learned his quirks.

Anyways, so the regular ed teacher, Mrs. Garner, is a truly special woman.  At open house, her first words were "I don't believe in labels and all kids are successful when you figure out what they need."  This morning was my first visit with her since school started August 19th (I usually meet with the special ed teacher because reading/behavior are my concerns.)  She said he is excelling in her class; that he is working hard.  She proudly showed me sentence/illustrations that he had done in class.  She says, they may not be perfect but he is EXPRESSING written thought that is complex and wonderfully illustrated.  She also said that he is VERBALIZING his needs when he is getting to a point he needs a break (the special ed room has a quiet room where he can regroup himself away from everyone.)  But the best part is this:  She said she is figuring out Sean's special language.  For instance, if he says he cannot see or he is thirsty, that is a clear indication that he is in need of some down time.  And after he gets it, HE GOES BACK TO WORK.  No 2 hour screaming meltdowns; no desk throwing; no kicking; no running and hiding.  All because she has taken the time to LISTEN to what's NOT being said.  I just about cried this morning.


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